(8) How to delete calibration
Take the following procedures to delete calibration when the reading on the screen is locked or after
batteries replaced or when it becomes impossible to process 「Zeroing」、「Calibration Standard」(CAL).
Select 「Cal.No. 」 (Calibration) stroring 「Zeroing value」 and 「Thickness Standard Value」 which you want
to delete. See at page 14, How to select 「Cal. No. 」.
「NFe」I is indicated in case a SWT exclusive probe for
「NFe」 series is connected for use
「Cal. No. 」 storing 「Zeroing」 v alue and 「Thickness Standard」
Value that you want to delete.
「■」 mark means that those values are stored.
When holding ZERO key , press ▼ key.
The buzzer beeps, beeps.
Press ▼ key during this message on the reading
(about 20 seconds)
This message is indicated for about 20 seconds.
Unless ▼ key is pressed during 20 seconds
the unit interrupts deleting and returns to
The buzzer beeps, beeps the beginning . Try again from the beginning
if deleting is necessary.
The disappearance of 「■」 mark shows that stored values
are deleted and turn blank.
It becomes possible for this unit to take
measurementsandadjustments procedures.
After deleting, take 「Zeroing」,「Calibration Sandard」
procedures proceeding to measuring.
(ZREO cal.)
(Cal. data)
Cal. No. 3 ■
Cal. No. 5