Version: 20221219
Feed and retentate system
All Vibro-I systems need a supply of liquid from a feed system. There are endless ways of
designing a feed system all depending on the application and scale, and the degree of
automation required.
When designing a feed system, the maximum allowed feed pressure of the HP1 membrane
modules must be taken into consideration. The Vibro-I is designed to work at: 0-4 bar at 5-35
°C, 0-3 bar at 5-55 °C and 0-1 bar at up to 80 °C. If the feed system is technically capable of
providing a higher feed pressure at the given temperatures, a corresponding safety valve on
the feed supply line is mandatory. If an automated control system is used the alarms and
interlocks settings must ensure the safe operations with respect to these limits.
During filling and draining the individual Vibro-I
may be vented to avoid over/under pressure
inside the membrane assembly. The Vibro-I
motors must be turned off during filling or
draining. Once filled with media the Vibro-I
motors are turned on. It is important to start
the Vibro-I motors as soon as the filling is done
as the fouling starts immediately.
Starting the Vibro-I motors too late can result in
initial fouling of the membranes, which will
often be irreversible.
It is highly recommended to automate the starting and stopping of the Vibro-I motors. This
can be done by using the pressure at the retentate outlet of each unit as a pressure switch
and at eg. 0.05 bar(g) turning the Vibro-I motors on and off. The actual setpoint must consider
the static pressure conditions in the specific installation pipework.