Version: 20221219
This instruction manual is part of the Vibro-I. The Vibro-I is intended exclusively for use in
accordance with this instruction manual.
The Vibro-I must only be used for intended use.
The following are examples of improper use
Unauthorized modifications and technical changes to the Vibro-I are improper use.
Operation outside the permissible physical conditions given in this document (e.g.
temperature, pressure, chemical vapors etc.) and given in the specification sheet for
the HP1 membrane module used.
Installation of unauthorized items on the Vibro-I.
Connection of unsuited devices to the Vibro-I (e.g. unsuited feed systems).
Use of media with biological materials in Safety Classes 2 and 3.
Use of flammable or potentially explosive substances.
Filtration of unstable media.
Use of media which are incompatible with PP, Stainless Steel, Silicone, EPDM or other
materials in the Vibro-I, HP1 membrane module or feed system used.
Personnel qualification
All personnel operating the Vibro-I must have read this instruction manual thoroughly and be
skilled in the art of pressurized filtration. All personnel operating the Vibro-I should be used to
conduct themselves in a laboratory or industrial process environment and have passed
mandatory safety courses etc. Students operating the Vibro-I must be instructed thoroughly
by skilled teachers or other skilled personnel in proper use of the Vibro-I.
The media used in the system can be dangerous to handle and cause personnel injuries or
equipment damage when not handled correctly.