Hydrogen exponent of heating water: pH 7-9
Heating water hardness: 1,0 mval / l
The water cooler section is equipped with a drip eliminator, which must always be installed in the unit during cooler operation.
All piping must be installed independently of the heat exchangers - the cooling water piping must not act on the necks of the heat exchangers due
to its weight and expansion. We recommend the antifreeze mixture as a heat transfer medium for all outdoor units.
Units taken out of service must be protected against freezing by draining water from all parts of the unit. Residual water from the exchanger can
be expelled with compressed air.
The unit equipped with a direct evaporator (DX, DXr) is connected via a Cu pipe to the appropriate condensing unit or heat pump (the method and
design of the connection is not the subject of these installation instructions). The direct cooler outlets are located inside or outside the unit
(depending on particular variant) The evaporator is filled with dry air or nitrogen from the factory.
After removing the valves on the evaporator
necks, work on the refrigerant circuit assembly must begin immediately.
The connection of the refrigerant circuit for direct cooling must be
carried out by a specialist company. It is mandatory to perform a "Refrigerant leak test" on the refrigerant circuit. This test is performed only by a
technician with the appropriate authorization (according to the law).
To ensure the drainage of condensate the drain neck must be connected to the sewerage system via a siphon with an odour trap. The siphon
must be located next to the unit. The condensate drain is as standard located on the exhaust part of the degraded air, under the recuperative
exchanger, at the air inlet and under the condenser or evaporator.
Location of condensate drain necks for the unit vertical variant:
Location of condensate drain necks for the unit horizontal variant:
Condensate drain neck
Condensate drain neck
DCA/DCB/DCC water exchanger can be used also for water with antifreeze mixture (based on propylene-glycol, ethylene-glycol etc.). We recommend
e.g. concentrated antifreeze liquid FRITERM E STABIL or FRITERM P PLUS (recommended dilution for temperature resistance to -18 °C 1:2 = 1 part
FRITERM E STABIL: 2 pats of water). The recommended dilution for each type of coolant and the required frost resistance is included in the packaging of
these antifreeze concentrates. For DCA / DCB / DCC water exchangers, we always recommend filling with antifreeze mixture with min. concentration of
20:80 as the liquids contain also corrosion inhibitors and minimum freezing resistance of the mixture to ca -5 °C is ensured.