Cruzer Enterprise USB Drive
User Guide
Figure 5: Password Setup
The Password Setup dialog box requires you to enter a password and re-enter it for confirmation. The
password must be a minimum of 6 characters and must not exceed 16 characters. It must contain three
different types of characters: lower case letters, upper case letters, numeric digits, or special characters.
Examples of the password are ABC$123 or Bob411. Click
to set your Cruzer Enterprise USB
Drive password.
A lost password will result in the loss of your data. A password hint can be entered to remind
you of your password. Be sure to give a password hint when prompted.
You can optionally type your name and company name in the Contact Information window.
Additionally, you can provide any information to identify your Cruzer Enterprise USB Drive in the
Details section. For example, you can type an “if found” informational message. The contact
information is displayed on the Cruzer Enterprise USB Drive logon window when clicking the Contact
Information link.
Figure 6: Contact Information Window
to complete the initialization.
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. UG-CRE-0507-14