S&C Instruction Sheet 1072-570
The SpeedNet Network Evaluation Kit is used to demonstrate SpeedNet capabilities and
ease of use . Unlike other radios that are dedicated to a particular network topology (such
as point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, or mesh), SpeedNet technology is application-
agile so the most suitable topology can be used for a given application such as SCADA,
AMI backhaul, or peer-to-peer . Users can set up a small network to explore the dynamics
of SpeedNet technology, its configuration simplicity, and robust network reliability .
The Network Evaluation Kit allows a customer to experience superior SpeedNet Radio:
• Latency
• Bandwidth
• Routing discovery
• Route optimization
• Route recovery
• Security
• Over-the-air firmware upgrade
The network evaluation kit includes:
• 5 SpeedNet Radios
• 5 power supplies
• 5 “rubber-duck” antennas
• Ten 30 dB attenuators
• 2 CAT5 Ethernet cables
• 2 laptop PC computers with administrative privileges
• SpeedNet Client Tool installed
• Iperf Performance Measurement Tool installed
The customer will supply:
• Large lab area, radios must be separated by 4 meters
• Labels to mark radio configuration (e .g . Post-it® Notes)
To simulate an actual deployment, all radios are shipped with factory default settings .
When the first radio has been configured, the other radios are set up over-the-air with a
predetermined configuration sequence . The radios must be configured sequentially to avoid
IP conflicts, because they share the same factory IP setting . The radios can be configured
to demonstrate different network topologies, and the instructions show where to install
specific attenuators for creating various network events and demonstrating how SpeedNet
Radios adapt to them .