When setting the controller,
parameter G.IN and G.Out
should be setting up prior to
any others
US1,US2 can be setting up
by Operator for modifying
parameters and set up in
G.CTL refer to Table of
D-Register as attached
in this manual
H.OUT Value
▼ or ▲
(*note 1: Display ‘STOP’ when operates stopping.)
- it can be able to change SP Value when STOP operates)
(*note 2: Operation Display-1 : Initial display after power on ; can set SP value.)
(*note 3: Operation Display-2 : Output Control Display.)
(*note 4: Heating Output Display in H/C type.)
(*note 5: Cooling Output Display in H/C type.)
(*note 6: When User Screen-1 is registered.)
(*note 7: When User Screen-2 is registered.)