2 9
Delay Poll/Multiple Poll : The SF 2200 polls one or more remote fax machine automatically, either now
or at a scheduled time, to retrieve documents.
Note : Not all fax machines have polling capability, and polling incompatibilities sometimes occur
between fax machines from diff e rent manufacturers, so polling may fail in some cases, even
when poll codes are not used.
4-4-3 Turnaround Poll
The Tu r n a round Poll feature allows your fax unit, during a single phone call, to automatically poll
another fax unit immediately after sending it a document.
To use Turnaround Polling:
• The remote fax unit must be loaded with a document and set in its. Transmit Poll mode at the time
you initiate your send operation.
• If the remote fax unit is secured with a poll code, you must enter that poll code as explained in the
Enter Turnaround Poll Code procedure (page 9).
• You must have set the Turnaround Poll option during User Options setup (see page 25).
4-4-4 Poll Transmit
Set up a Poll Transmit to allow your unit to send a loaded document to a remote unit when it polls your
SF 2200.
When a poll transmit is set up, your SF 2200 will answer incoming calls and receive documents as
usual. If an incoming call is a remote unit attempting to poll your unit, and you did enter a poll coed,
your unit will wait for the remote unit to transmit a matching poll code before transmitting the
To set up a Poll Transmit:
1. Load your document, and adjust resolution and contrast settings, if needed.
2. Press POLL. Then follow the steps shown at right.
To cancel the POLL Transmit mode, press the POLL key, then the STOP key. Your unit will
automatically feed the loaded documents out of the feeder and return to standby mode.