code food
400-450 g
Tomatoes - 4, Cottage
Cheese - ½ cup
(grated), Onion - ¼ cup
(chopped), Capsicum
- ¼ cup (chopped),
Boiled Peas - ¼ cup,
Tomato ketchup - 1
tbsp, Chili sauce
- 1 tbsp, Garam masala
- ¼ tsp, Cheese -50g,
Dried Mango Powder -
½ tsp, Salt to taste
Cut the tomatoes in to
two halves and keep
In a bowl add all the
ingredients except
cheese and mix well.
Stuff the tomatoes with
cottage cheese mixture
and grate cheese over
it. Place the tomatoes in
a glass dish and cook
700-750 g
Boneless Chicken -
250 g, Rice - 250 g,
Fried Onion - 2, Tomato
Puree - 4 tbsp, Garlic
Paste - 1 tsp, Ginger
Paste - 1 tsp, Red Chili
Powder - 1 tsp, Black
Pepper Powder - 1 tsp,
Turmeric - ½ tsp, Cloves
- 3 to 4, Bay Leaves - 2
to 3, Cardamom - 1,
Green Cardamom - 2,
Black Pepper - 4 to 5,
Cinnamon Stick - ½, Oil
- 4 tbsp, Coriander to
garnish, Water - 500 ml
Mix all the ingredients in
rice container, stir well
and cook. Serve hot
with vegetable raita or
nutrition for kids (nu)
nu-1. Vegetable
550- 600 g
Butter-2 tsp, Chopped
Garlic-2 tsp, Chopped
onions-1/4 cup,
Chopped capsicum-1/4
cup, broccoli florets-1/4
cup, Carrot Julian-
1/4 cup, Chopped
Tomatoes-1/2 cup,
Penne Pasta-2 cups,
milk-3/4 cup, Mozzarella
cheese-3 tbsp, salt-to
taste, black pepper-
1/2 tsp
In a glass bowl add all
the ingredients except
salt. Add salt after
code food
nu-2. chocolate
Roasted Oats- ¼ cup,
Cornflakes-1/4 cup,
Mixed Nuts- 2 tbsp,
Wheat bran- 1 tsp,
Raisins- 2 tsp, Castor
Sugar- 2 tsp, Milk
Chocolate-1/4 cup,
Dark chocolate- 2 tbsp
Mix all and cook.
Set in flat dish. Make
small rock shapes and
Refrigerate for 5 minutes
and serve.
nu-3. nutrition
500 - 550 g
Boiled Rice Noodles-
200 g, Oil- 1 tbsp, Garlic
paste- 2 tsp, Chopped
Spring Onions-1/4 cup,
French Beans- ¼ cup,
Carrot Julian- ¼ cup,
Sliced Mushrooms- ¼
cup, Blanched Bean
Sprouts- ¼ cup,
Roasted Peanuts- ¼
cup, Soya Sauce- 2 tsp,
Sugar-1 tsp, Lemon
Juice- 1 tbsp, Salt- to
taste, Black Pepper- to
Mix all in a glass bowl
except lemon juice.
Cook and add lemon
juice to serve.
nu-4. chana
400 - 450 g Butter-1 tbsp, Cumin
Seeds-1/2 tsp, Boiled
Kabuli Chana-1 cup,
Boiled Potato- 1 cup,
Cottage Cheese- ½ cup,
Chopped tomatoes- ½
cup, Mint and Coriander
sweet n sour chutney- ¼
cup, Salt- to taste, Lemon
Juice- ½ tsp, Chopped
Coriander- 2 tbsp
Mix all and except lemon
juice and fresh coriander.
Add lemon juice after
cooking and coriander
before serving.
nu-5. Pasta salad
250 - 300 g Boiled Bow Pasta- ½
cup, Broccoli- ¼ cup,
Chopped Pineapple- ¼
cup, Chopped black
grapes- ¼ cup, Shredded
Cabbage- 2 tbsp, Corns-
2 tbsp, Carrot Julian- 2
tbsp, Almonds- 2 tbsp,
Salt and pepper- to taste
Add all the ingredients
except pineapple and
grapes. Add pineapple
and grapes after cooking
and serve.
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