Manual operation
In manual operation mode, all outputs are set, see wiring plan (-> section 11 ).
How to proceed:
1. Set the operating mode switch to
2. Slide the selector switch to the output you want to change:
Y1 to 3: control signal output 1 to 3
: pump(s) output
fan(s) output
In systems with several pumps, select the pumps using the
The associated symbol blinks in the system diagram.
When the pumps are deactivated, just the pump circuit blinks on the display.
– – – – appears on the display when the output is not relevant for the system code num-
ber selected.
3. Change the output:
Increase the control signal: activate pumps, fan
Reduce the control signal: deactivate pumps, fan
For two-speed fans, you can select
The value does not need to be confirmed. It is kept even if you slide the selector switch to
another setting.
4. Slide the operating mode switch from
to exit the manual operating mode.
In manual operation mode, the user can set the outputs anyway as required. On selecting
the manual operation mode, all limit temperatures and logical links ceased to be in force.
The user has absolute control and takes on responsibility for interaction between all the out-
puts and the resulting consequences. A frost protection thermostat (Fb15 = ON) connected to
the controllers keeps functioning even in manual operation mode.
EB 5477 EN
Manual operation