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External Rotation Stepout
Stand sideways with your exercising arm farthest from the door or attachment
site of the band. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees. Your forearm and hand should be
pointing directly in front of you as pictured. Place a small towel roll or pillow under
your exercising arm. Keeping the exact arm position, take a large step away from the
attachment point of the band, elongating it. Pause for 1-2 seconds before stepping
back to the starting position.
Internal Rotation Stepout
Using the same arm position as listed above, stand with your exercising arm closest to
the door or attachment site of the band. Take a large step away from the attachment
site of the band, pause for 1-2 seconds, and return to the starting position.
Phase 2: Strengthening
Perform _____ sets of ____ Repetitions
Perform _____ sets of ____ Repetitions