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Internal Rotation 90°
Start with arm in 90 degrees of elevation in the scapular plane (30 degrees forward
from directly at your side as pictured). Stand with your back to the door or tubing
attachment. Your forearm should start in a vertical position. Internally rotate
your shoulder against the resistance of the band until your forearm is in a nearly
horizontal position as pictured, hold for one second. Slowly return to the starting
position and repeat.
Bicep Curl
Secure one end of tubing
under the foot on the same
side of your exercising arm.
Keeping your arm at your
side and with very little if any
shoulder motion, bend your
elbow generating tension in
the tubing to perform the
bicep curl. Hold in the bent
position for approximately 1
second and then return to the
start position and repeat.
Perform _____ sets of ____ Repetitions
Perform _____ sets of ____ Repetitions