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Supine Shoulder Flexion Lie on back
Grip stick in both hands at chest level. Push stick upward with uninjured arm by
straightening your elbows. Your shoulders will be at 90 degrees to start. Raise both
arms overhead as far as possible, using the uninjured arm to guide your injured arm
as much as possible. Hold for 5-15 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat.
Shoulder External Rotation 45°
Lie on back with involved arm out to side of body at 45 degrees and elbow bent at
90 degrees. Grip stick in hand of involved arm and keep elbow in flexed position. It
may help with positioning to place a pillow or towel roll underneath your elbow as
pictured. Use opposite arm to push involved arm into external rotation. Hold for 5-15
seconds. Return to start position. Be sure to keep elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Perform _____ sets of ____ Repetitions
Perform _____ sets of ____ Repetitions