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Command [:]MEASure:CURRent?
is used to read output current value.
Return command: Numeric
Return parameters Unit: A
Sending command
, if return command is 1.245, it means the present output current is
Command [:]MEASure:DVM?
[:]MEASure: DVM?
is used to read input voltage of the voltmeter in the power supply.
Return command: Numerical
Return parameters Unit: V
Sending command
, if return command is12.560, it means the current voltmeter input voltage
is 12.560V.
Command [:]MEASure:VCM?
is used to read three value: output voltage value, output current value, and
input voltage of the voltmeter in the power supply.
Return command: Numerical list, using cormer(,) among the three values
Return parameters Unit: V and A
Sending command
, if return command is 10.0000,0.00000,5.0000, it means the present output
voltage is 10.0000V, the present output current is 0.00000A, and the current voltmeter input voltage is 5.0000V.
6.2.4 Setting Command
Command [:]OUTPut <bool>
[:]OUTPut <bool>
is used to set the output ON/OFF status.
Return command: None
Parameters: bool-type parameter (0-OFF, 1-ON)
If sending command
[:]OUTP 1
, the power supply output is ON if you set successfully.
2.Related command
, to query output status of power supply.
Return command parameter: <bool>.
Command [:] MODE <mode>
1. Command
[:]MODE <mode>
is used to set the power operating mode. That is, command set mode or
sequential list mode, or milliohmmeter mode.