Don’t use artificial sweeteners. None of these will feed the yeast, some of them
will kill it.
Salt helps to control the growth of the yeast. Without salt, the bread could rise too much,
and then collapse. It also adds to the flavour. Keep it away from the yeast until the last
minute, or it might inhibit it.
Eggs will make your bread richer and more nutritious, add colour, and help with the
structure and texture. Eggs count as part of the liquid ingredient of the bread, so adjust
the other liquid ingredients if you are adding egg(s). Otherwise the dough may be too
wet to rise properly.
Herbs and spices
1. These can be added at the beginning, along with the main ingredients.
2. Dried herbs and spices like cinnamon, ginger, oregano, parsley, and basil will
add flavour and interest. Use small quantities (a teaspoon) to avoid overpowering
the flavour of the bread.
Fresh herbs, like garlic and chives may contain enough liquid to upset the
balance of the recipe, so adjust the liquid content.
Nuts and raisins
1. Dried fruit and nuts should be chopped finely; cheese should be grated;
chocolate chips should definitely be chips, not lumps. Don’t add more than the
recipe requires, otherwise the bread may not rise properly.
2. Be careful with fresh fruit and nuts. These contain liquids (juices and oils), so you
may need to adjust the main liquid ingredient to compensate.
Add these only when the breadmaker beeps, early in the program.
Storing bread
1. Commercial bread contains all sorts of additives (chlorine, chalk, coal-tar dye,
sorbitol, soya, etc.).