Our pre-installation guidelines are detailed on the following pages, but some of the
key “do’s and don’ts” are highlighted below:
- Read this installation manual in full
before commencing installation
- Allow adequate ventilation of the pump
(100mm recommended)
- Ensure the pump, pressure vessel and
associated pipework are protected
from frost
- Anti-vibration couplers must only be
finger tight plus one quarter turn
- On pumped models, we recommend the
pump is activated for at least 5 minutes
every 4 weeks
- Ensure that the installation complies
with all relevant regulations
- Pump inlet and outlet anti-vibration
hoses should be fitted straight with no
twists or bends.
- Ensure suitable means of isolation for
maintenance (both water and electrical)
- Ensure the surface where the unit is
installed is capable of supporting the
maximum weight of the unit
- Fit a double check valve and pressure
regulator where appropriate
- Check the static pressure and flow
rate of the incoming mains water prior
to installation
- With the AccuBoost removed from its
packaging check for any damage prior to
- Do not place any materials over the
- Never use jointing compound, Boss
White, Hemp or steel wool
- Solder flux must not come into
contact with the pump, presure vessel,
base, anti-vibration couplers or any part
of the AccuBoost unit
- Never allow the system pressure to
exceed the maximum operating pressure
rating of the AccuBoost units (8.6
Bar/860 kPa)
- Never install more than one pump per
- Never fit to hot water piping
- Never fit to restrictive or collapsed
supply (eg lead main)
3. Pre-installation Checklist