Details of
Brief description of functions, configurations
Set Internet connection
Network settings
- “Always on”: wireless IN function remains on even if it is not used, e.g. in FM, BT
mode. A quicker IN access is provided if you switch back to IN radio mode.
- “Automatic switch off 30s”: the WLAN switches off after 30 seconds if it is not
needed any longer, e.g. if you do not listen to IN radio. This mode saves you
operating time and may allow longer operation.
WiFi channels
- Select the place of operation: China / Japan / USA / Europe. Not all WiFi channels
may be reached in every country.
Add/Remove IN AP
- Connect to Wifi: search networks and provide password.
- Connect WPS: search WPS compatible router.
- SMART configuration: WiFi configuration via an iOS or Android telephone. It needs
the installation of EspTouch application, see below.
- Remove Wifi network: clear pairing.
- The name of connected WiFi network.
WiFi signal
- Signal strength of the connected WiFi network. Generally, it is considered weak
below -70dBm and it may hinder the operation of the radio. Place the router closer
or use signal amplifier.
- Dynamic (default) or fixed setting (Only modify if any problem occurs.)
- Dynamic (default) or fixed setting (Only modify if any problem occurs.)
Date and time
Set precise time and date
Time zone
- Select the automatic or manual option.
- In the latter option, it can be selected from the list of continents and countries.
Factory setting: automatic definition of time zone.
Set time format
- 12 or 24-hour indication mode.
Set date format
- You can select the order of displaying the day-month-year.
Summer-time period
- Turn on or off depending of the country.
Use Internet time
- Turn on or off
Access path to time server
- pool.ntp.org
Time setting from FM RDS data
- Can be switched on or off
Select the desired language
- Select from the drop down list.