Copyright. SAI HVAC 2021
2.2b Direct Connection via your LAN
Connecting the system to the local LAN via a network cable connected from the VRF12 MPM module to the
router or a switch connected to the router is the preferred and best method for regular connection.
You can then access the system from anywhere the client has LAN coverage.
(Figure 6)
When a connection is made the router will assign a unique IP address to the system. You can find this IP by
checking in the router settings, but we recommend you download one of the free programs for your apple of
android device such as FING
(Figure 7)
. Such programs search your LAN and list all connected devices. This will
enable you to find your system IP, typically look something like or similar number
(Figure 8)
. By
typing this number into your browser, you will be able to access the Opening page of your system.
Some older routers ship with UPNP disabled. You should check the router instruction manual for details
on how to check this setting. Without UPNP enabled, the system cannot connect. Remember that after power
failure the router may assign a different IP number to your system. In this case you will need to scan the
network with FING or similar program to find the new IP. It is possible to set a fixed IP in your router settings
however the method varies depending on your router brand and model. Your IT specialist should be able to
help. Connecting your system to your router using a cable gives a level of access control as access can only be
achieved by persons or devices having your LAN access password.
2.3 Connection via Mothership (Recommended)
Providing the clients system is connected to the building LAN and that the LAN has an internet connection, you
can setup an account on the SAI Mothership global server to allow remote connection to the system via MS.
1. Open your browser and browse to
and click the register
button on the login page.
(Figure 9)
2. The client can fill out registration details and we will send their registration name and password
within 24 hours together with instructions on how to access their system via the Mothership.
3. If you are within the LAN, i.e. at home and your device is connected to the same network the
is running on, there will be a link at the bottom of the log in page titled “Your Local Devices”
with the Mac Address and system description. You can click this link to go straight to the User
Interface without having to log in.
(Figure 9)
4. Once you have received notice of your User Name and Password, the client can go to the log in
page, enter the details, then press Login.
5. The next screen that launches will have a list of your AC systems.
(Figure 10)
6. To access the User interface for any of the systems press the Launch button on the right hand side.
This will launch the interface and you can start to control your device.
(Figure 11)
Figure 6b
via Ethernet cable
Figure 7b
Use FING or similar to
scan network
Figure 8b
User Interface Launches.
Note IP Address is same as listed on
the FING Scan. (bottom of middle