MorphoAccess® SIGMA Extreme Series - Installation Guide
Annex 1 : Finger Placement Recommendations
Identity & Security
2017_2000024418 - V1
April 2017
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Safran Identity & Security
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MorphoAccess® SIGMA Extreme Series native mode
MorphoAccess® SIGMA Extreme Series terminal is by default in native mode, that is
named MA5G. It will support the new features and configurations only in the native
mode. The terminal can be configured using an internet browser connected to the
embedded Webserver application.
When terminal mode is switched from MA5G to Morpho legacy mode, the entire
configuration (excepted communication links) and all databases are erased
The terminal is rebooted on mode change and factory settings are applicable.
Once the product is configured in native mode, the following methods can be used to
configure the terminal:
through the Ethernet interface (remote management)
through a Wi-Fi™ connection (license and dongle required)
Configuration procedures are described inside the MorphoAccess® SIGMA Extreme
Series Administration Guide as follows:
Section 4: Terminal Configuration And Administration