tapping screws.
6. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 on the left-hand side of the frame.
7. Mount the wooden fence sections (#4), with the 45
angle ends toward the center of the machine, between
the aluminum extrusion sections and the cam-type spacers (#1). When not in use, the two wooden fence
sections can be stored in the material support channels (#15) on each side.
8. The friction fit of the wooden fence sections between the aluminum support bracket and the cam-type
spacers can be adjusted by turning the bolt heads with a wrench. This fit can be readjusted at any time
without realigning the fence system.
9. Align the fence system (see below).
Fence Alignment
1. Disconnect the power supply to the tool.
2. Remove the blade guard.
3. Slightly loosen the bolts that secure the aluminum extrusion (#5, Fig. 44) to the rear support brackets (#9), to
allow the extrusion to be moved up or down by tapping it with a mallet.
4. Tap the extrusion to align it evenly, 1/4” above the
horizontal frame member (#8).
5. Place a carpenter’s square on the wood fence, with the longer side on the fence and the shorter side against
the saw blade. Raise and lower the carriage to check if the saw blade maintains alignment with the edge of
the square. Gently tap the
edge of the fence system to bring the wooden fence and the carpenter’s
square into alignment with the saw blade travel.
6. Reinstall the blade guard and reconnect the power supply.
7. Using a sample panel approximately 18” wide and 40” long, and a freshly sharpened saw blade, trim 1” off
the end of the panel.
8. Remove the panel from the fence. Turn it around,
keeping the same edge down
. Trim 1” off the other end.
9. Measure the top and bottom of the piece. When the measurements are the same, or within the tolerance of
the machine, tighten all securing bolts.
10. To align the left half of the fence, place a 6-ft or 8-ft straightedge on the right-hand fence. Move it to the left
until it extends the full length of the left wooden fence (48”). Clamp the straightedge to the frame of the
machine. Carefully adjust the left aluminum extrusion until the top of the wooden fence gently touches the
bottom of the straightedge along its entire surface. Retighten all securing bolts.
To adjust the rulers, measure out from the saw blade and place a vertical pencil mark at 24”. Place both thumbs
on the face of the ruler, and slide the ruler to the right or left to the proper location. Test-cut a piece of scrap
material to check the ruler position.
Hold-Down Bar
The Hold-Down Bar Accessory consists of a vertical tube and several spring hold-down arms that help hold any
thin, flexible material for chip-free, accurate cutting. It accepts material up to 3/4 in. thick, and can be quickly
removed without wrenches for cutting thicker material.
A Hold-Down Bar is standard on the Models 7400 and 7400XL.
1. Attach the top and bottom support brackets (Figure 46) with four 5/16” x 3/4” cap screws and nuts. The top
bracket is marked “T” and the bottom bracket is marked “B”.
2. Insert the round vertical tube up through the top bracket, then lower it down through the bottom bracket. A
small hex-head screw at the bottom of the tube prevents you from inserting it the wrong way.
3. Attach the top and bottom tension locks as shown in Figure 46.
4. Attach the spring hold-down arms with 1/4” hex-head T.C. screws and washers.
5. Turn the vertical tube until the spring arms touch the tool frame, then tighten the top and bottom tension locks.