From the side walls of the stove: at least 60 cm
From the rear: at least 30 cm
Within the radiation range of the glass: at least 80 cm
Floor protection in front of the appliance: at least 50 cm
Floor protection at the sides: at least 30 cm
8. Connection of the stove to the chimney
The stove can be connected directly to the chimney (outlet at the back). The diameter of the outlet duct
must correspond w
ith the 150mm diameter of the stove’s outlet connector.
If the draught of the chimney is too strong, a draught regulator must be built in.
You must also take the following into account with regard to the diameter of the outlet duct:
The diameter of the outlet duct may not be reduced. In addition, the outlet duct must fit perfectly onto
The stove duct may not be smaller than the diameter of the chimney, since this will hamper the
pressure of the fumes. In order to prevent this, you should provide a double wall lining.
The chimney connections of different fireplaces may not be situated opposite one another or at the
height, since this could also hamper the removal of combustion gases. Two connections of fume outlet
ducts must be situated at least 30 cm away from one another.
The chimney may not contain too many connections
– this hampers the upward pressure. Consult
The chimney may not conduct any false air. Check for closed chimney sliders and cleaning hatches
the cellar or on the roof!
The outlet duct must be securely attached to the connector pipe.
9. Before first use