Technical changes, accessories and spare parts
Technical changes to the mo tor cy cle can
lead to cancellation of the EC op er at ing
Should you want to make technical chang-
es, observe our guidelines. This will serve
to prevent the motorcycle from being dam-
aged and the traffi c and op er a tion al safety
being retained. A specialised Sachs dealer
can carry out these activities with meticu-
lous care.
Always consult a Sachs dealer before buy-
ing accessories or making any tech ni cal
We recommend using only ap proved
Sachs accessories and original Sachs
spare parts for Sachs motorcycles.
This is in your own interests: the safe ty,
suitability and reliability of these acces-
sories and parts will have been tested
specifi cally for Sachs motorcycles.
Although we keep track of the mar ket, we
cannot evaluate nor be held liable for the
quality of non-approved accessories and
parts, even if they have a certifi cate of
acceptance from an offi cially recognised
technical test ing/supervision agency, or
a license issued by the authorities.
For approved Sachs accessories and origi-
nal Sachs spare parts, see a specialised
Sachs dealer.
He will also ensure that they are pro fes -
sion al ly in stalled.