16.1 Tetris
a) Moving highlight to “Setup” and press
[Volume Up/Volume Down] key to select
the game level (speed).
b) Moving highlight to “Start” and press [OK]
key to start the game.
c) Moving highlight to [Cancel]keys and
press [OK]key to draw back from the
d) Start on the game:
[Volume Up/Volume Down] Move
shape left or right
“Channel Up” Rotate clockwise
“Channel Down” Faster drop
[OK] Pause/Play the game
[Exit] Quit game and draw back to
“Game” menu.
16.2 Snake
a) Moving highlight to “Setup” and press
[Volume Up/Volume Down] key to select
the game level (speed).
b) Moving highlight to “Start” and press [OK]
key to start the game.
c) Moving highlight to[Cancel]keys and
press [OK]key to draw back from the
d) Start on the game:
[Volume Up/Volume Down/Channel
UP/Channel Down] use these arrow
keys to guide the snake.
[OK] Pause/Play game
[Exit] Quit game and draw back to
“Game” menu.
16.3 Othello
a) Moving highlight to “Setup” and press
[Volume Up/Volume Down] keys to select
the game level (degree of difficulty).
b) Moving highlight to “Start” and press [OK]
key to start the game.
c) Moving highlight to [Cancel] keys and
press [OK] key to draw back from the
d) Start on the game:
[Volume Up/Volume Down/Channel
UP/Channel Down] use these arrow
keys to guide chessman.
[OK] set chessman.
[Exit] Quit game and draw back to
“Game” menu.
17. New Features
17.1 Equalizer
When you listen the Radio program, it will
display the music spectrum graphic on TV
17.2 Time Shift
If you connect the USB HDD, and enable the
Time Shift function in the menu "Main Menu/
Record/ PVR Setting/Time Shift",
It will start the Time Shift function automatically
after you switch the program, and when you
press the "
" button the Time Shift info bar
will displayed as the following picture: