Connect master receiver to slave receiver
via serial interface. Enter “Software
Upgrade” menu in master receiver and
press[Volume Up/Volume Down]keys to
switch upgrade mode
All SW+bootloader
/All SW+Channel list/Software(no channel
list)/Channel list.
Moving highlight to “Start” on master reeciver
and press[OK]key to start upgrade.
Turn on slave receiver and it needn’t operate
any setting.
Press [Exit]key to draw back.
Upgrade By Satellite:
This function can upgrade the software through
signal lines from the satellite
Select the satellite and TP or input the TP
value and download PID, these parameters you
can get from your provider.
Then move the highlight to the start button
and press [OK] button to start upgrade.
Upgrade By Terrestrial:
This function can upgrade the software through
signal lines from the Terrestrial
Select or input the Frequency, Bandwidth
and download PID, these parameters you
can get from your provider.
Then move the highlight to the start button
and press [OK] button to start upgrade.
12.4 Upgrade By USB
In this menu you can upgrade the software from
USB conveniently, Press “Left/Right” button
select USB A or USB B; press ' OK ' button to