Saab TankRadar L/2
US Version. Seventh edition, June 1995
Installation Manual
The basic parts of the TankRadar L/2 System are:
The Radar Tank Gauge, RTG, is an intelligent explosion
protected instrument for measuring the level of a product
inside a tank. Four different Tank Connection Units can be
attached in order to satisfy a variety of different applications.
The Data Acquisition Unit, DAU, can interface various
external sensors and actuators. There are two versions of the
DAU, the Slave DAU and the Independent DAU. The Slave
DAU can measure temperature while the Independent DAU,
in addition to temperature measurement , has analog and
digital inputs. Both versions can, as an option, be equipped
with a LCD-display for local readout of the measured values.
The Field Communication Unit, FCU, acts as a gateway and
data concentrator between the Group Bus and the Field Bus.
Each FCU can have a total of 32 RTGs and 32 DAUs con-
nected to it.
The Field Bus Modem, FBM, is a converter between RS-232C
and the TRL/2 Bus. It is used for connecting a PC with OPI
(or COS) to the TRL/2 Bus.
The Operator’s Interface, OPI, is a software for presenting
the values measured in the TRL/2 system. The Operator’s
Interface is also used to set alarm limits, perform setups,
configuration and calibration of the TRL/2 System.
The Configuration Software, COS, is normally used on a
portable Service PC, operating under DOS. The Service PC
can be connected to one of the FCUs Group Bus ports or
directly to the Field Bus via an FBM. It is used for service,
configuration and calibration purposes. It is not a substitu-
tion for the more powerful OPI.