The new fieldbus systems THERMASGARD
911 with S-Bus or Modbus protocol (selectable at the device) help to save time and money
due to less time expenditure for cabling and installation. Extensions or modifications are easy to carry out, providing for guaranteed flex-
ibility and future. These fieldbus devices can be mounted on top hat rails and are easy to operate.
9111 fieldbus input modules can convert active signals or passive sensors into S-Bus or Modbus protocols that can be
processed by corresponding devices.
9112 fieldbus output modules can convert S-Bus or Modbus protocols into digital or relay outputs that can be proc-
essed by corresponding devices. Modules providing a manual operation option allow switching individual outputs on and off to facilitate
localisation of faults.
Power supply: .............................. 24 V DC
Digital input: ................................ 24 V DC ⁄ 5 mA galvanically isolated
Digital output, 24 V DC:............. 24 V DC ⁄ 500 mA
Digital output, relay: .................. max. 250 V AC ⁄ 6A - AC1 ⁄ 2A - AC3
Analog input, passive: .................Pt 100, Pt 1000, Ni 1000, Ni 1000-LG (≤ 0,5 mA)
Analog input, active: ................. 0 ... 10 V ⁄ Ri 10 kΩ
0 ... 20 mA ⁄ working resistance 200 Ω
Analog output (U): ...................... 0 ... 10 V ⁄ max. 10 mA per each output
Bus interface: ............................. RS485, active, galvanically isolated.
Bus termination activatable via jumper.
Up to 32 devices possible in one segment.
In case of a greater number of devices,
RS485 transceivers must be used.
Cable length of bus line dependent on transmission speed
(max. 1200 m without signal amplification).
Data line shielded, e.g. YstY 2x08, CAT5, ...
Bus protocol: ............................... SAIA
S - Bus (parity mode ⁄ data mode)
address range 0...127 selectable
Modbus (RTU mode)
address range 0...127 selectable
Enclosure: .................................... standard enclosure for 45-mm distribution box installation system,
width 5 TE (= 88 mm)
Installation: .................................. on TS 35 top hat rail or
direct screw mounting on wall or base plate
via integrated mounting flanges
Temperature range: ................... – 20 ... + 70 °C storage temperature
– 10 ... + 50 °C ambient temperature in operation
Humidity: ...................................... 98 % r. H. not bedewing
Protection class: ........................ II (according to EN 60 730)
Protection type:.......................... IP 20 (according to EN 60 529)
Standards: ................................... CE conformity,
electromagnetic compatibility
according to EN 60000-4-2 ⁄ 3 ⁄ 4 ⁄ 5 ⁄ 6,
EN 55011, EN 61326-1
9111 ⁄ 9112