Reading S-Bus registers
Read registers using FBox “Receive Integer”.
Settings in the FBox:
Initialisation .......................................... NO
IP ⁄ Node ⁄ Profi-S-Bus Address ........ 0
Source station (S-Bus) ....................... Bus address of the respective fieldbus device
Source element ................................... Register
Source address ................................... Starting address reading should start with
The number of registers to be read is obtained by extracting the FBox.
Writing S-Bus registers
Write registers using FBox “Transmit Integer”.
Settings in the FBox:
Initialisation .......................................... NO
IP ⁄ Node ⁄ Profi-S-Bus Address ........ 0
Destination station (S-Bus) ............... Bus address of the respective fieldbus device
Destination element ........................... Register
Destination address ........................... Starting address writing should start with
The number of registers to be written is obtained by extracting the FBox.
Writing S-Bus Output
Write Output using FBox “Send Binary”.
Settings in the FBox:
Initialisation .......................................... NO
IP ⁄ Node ⁄ Profi-S-Bus Address ........ 0
Destination station (S-Bus) ............... Bus address of the respective fieldbus device
Destination element ........................... Output
Destination address ........................... Starting address writing should start wit
The number of outputs to be written is obtained by extracting the FBox.
Reading S-Bus Output
Read Output using FBox “Receive Binary”.
Settings in the FBox:
Initialisation .......................................... NO
IP ⁄ Node ⁄ Profi-S-Bus Address ........ 0
Source station (S-Bus) ....................... Bus address of the respective fieldbus device
Source element ................................... Output
Source address ................................... Starting address reading should start with
The number of outputs to be read is obtained by extracting the FBox.
Writing S-Bus Flag
Write Flag using FBox “Send Binary”.
Settings in the FBox:
Initialisation .......................................... NO
IP ⁄ Node ⁄ Profi-S-Bus Address ........ 0
Destination station (S-Bus) ............... Bus address of the respective fieldbus device
Destination element ........................... Flag
Destination address ........................... Starting address writing should start with
The number of flags to be written is obtained by extracting the FBox.
Reading S-Bus Flag
Read Flag using FBox “Receive Binary”.
Settings in the FBox:
Initialisation .......................................... NO
IP ⁄ Node ⁄ Profi-S-Bus Address ........ 0
Source station (S-Bus) ....................... Bus address of the respective fieldbus device
Source element ................................... Flag
Source address ................................... Starting address reading should start with
The number of flags to be read is obtained by extracting the FBox.