6K V1.02 03-16-91
This product uses CMOS integrated circuits and other components that can be damaged by
static electricity. Be sure that you are properly and safely grounded, and are working at a
static-free workstation, when handling these components.
This product uses a lithium battery to provide power to the memory system when main
power is interrupted. This lithium battery is a primary cell. Do not attempt to recharge it!
The pin designations of the DB25 connector in the 6K are slightly different than the pin
designations of the DB25 connector in the 5K. Specifically, pins 16 and 18 are active
signals in the 6K; these pins are connected to ground in the 5K. Be sure you have checked
your cable and removed connections from pins 16 and 18 if you are replacing a 5K
controller with a 6K controller!