Code Number
Ringing Signal Setting
In order to address a con-
nected answering machine
instead of the TC device via
the telephone line, the de-
vice can be set to an ans-
wering machine mode in the
menu settings (”4”). If the
answering machine mode
has been activated, the TC
device will not switch on at
an incoming call. If the caller
releases the telephone line
after one ringing signal,
waits at least 10 seconds
and calls again within 60
seconds, the TC device
switches on after the first
ringing signal.
The amount of ringing sig-
nals until the TC device an-
swers the call can be set in
the menu settings (”5”). The
default setting is ”2”.
If the answering machine
mode is activated, the
amount of ringing signals is
not significant.
The four digit code number
can be set in the menu set-
tings (”6”). In delivery state
the code number ”0000” is
set. If the code number
”1111” is set, the testing of
the code number is left out
(see page 24). The connec-
tion will be released, after
entering the wrong code
number three times.
The default settings can be
restored by a procedure
(see page 7), if you have
forgotten your code number.
All individual set-
tings will be erased.
Answering Machine Mode