Temperature Level
If a temperature sensor is
connected to the analogue
input, an alarm call can be
initiated if a certain temper-
ature level is reached . In
this case, the alarm phone
number 1 will be called and
an announcement will in-
form about the temperature .
The programming (“0”) in
menu settings can be done
in a way, that the exceed-
ing (“more than”) or the falling
short (“less than”) of a cer-
tain temperature will send off
an alarm call . Negative val-
ues can be set by placing a
“9” before entering the tem-
perature level . The adjusta-
ble range comprises temper-
atures from -9 °C to 40 °C .
The TC easy Plus has a hys-
teresis of 3 °C, that means,
if for instance a temperature
level of more than 25 °C has
been reached, a new alarm
will only be send off again,
if the temperature has fallen
below 22 °C before .