KT332N Cutting &engraving control system user manual V1.1
There are 4 origin points that can be set. The steps are that same as above when set other 3
origin points.
User can select one of the 4 origin points as the start origin point. When the "selection box" stops
at the "start origin", press the [OK] key to confirm the modification, press the "Up / Down" key to
change the number of the origin point, and press the [OK] to confirm the modification. After that,
the parameter will automatically take effect. Press [Esc] can return to the previous menu.
Here is the description in detail of the items of the multi-origin setting:
The sub-items are described as follows:
<Multi-origin setting>: "Yes" enables the multi-origin function.
"No" disable the
multi-origin function. When disable the multi-origin function, one origin mode is enabled
in default. The key<Origin> on the panel can set the origin position. When "Yes" is
selected and enable the multi-origin function, the origin position that has ever been set
with the <origin> will be invalid because now is the multi-origin mode. All the origin point
s is set in the multi-origin page.
<Origin enable>: enable or set the coordinate of the origin point from 1~4.
<Start origin> select the start origin point from the 4 origin points.
Once the multiple origin logic is enabled, if the start origin is the first
origin point and all four are enabled, the cutting job will be done
according to different origin points. The cutting order will be from origin 1
to origin 4.
Only the software select the <Anchor point> option, the multi-origin
function is valid.
If user has selected the graphic position to be <Current position>,
<machine zero> or <absolute coordinate>, the multi-origin function does
not work.
And if user has enabled the multi-origin function, the <origin > function
will does not work.
8.6.12 Screen reference coordinate setting
When the "red selection box" is stopped on the item and presses the [OK] key, the following
interface pops up: