Failure to do so may be dangerous and may void certain provisions of your warranty.
For further assistance, please call:
24 Hr. Hotline: 1-800-661-8529
(U.S.A. and Canada)
Please have model and serial numbers available before calling.
5918 Roper Road
Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada T6B 3E1
Phone: (780) 466-3178
Fax: (780) 468-5904
L I M I T E D 3 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y
CCI Thermal Technologies warrants all Ruffneck™ FX5 Series Explosion-Proof Electric
Fan Forced Air Heaters against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of
three (3) years from date of purchase on the following terms:
1. We will provide replacement parts free of charge as necessary to restore any
unit to operating condition, provided that the inoperative parts be returned to us
freight prepaid and that the replacement parts be accepted freight collect.
2. The complete heater may be returned to our plant for repair or replacement (at
our discretion), provided that all related freight costs be borne by the customer.
3. Corrosion and contamination by dirt, dust, etc. will not be considered as defects
and, therefore, are not warrantable.
4. The heater must not be modified in any way.
5. The heater must be installed, used and stored only in accordance with the
owner’s manual and placarded information.
This warranty shall be limited to the actual equipment involved and, under
no circumstances, shall include or extend to installation or removal costs, or to
consequential losses or damages.