Udl mem
The udl_mem parameter specifies the amount of memory (in kilobytes) allocated for the UDL files
(file extension .UDL) included with the project program in the node processor. The value specified
must be as large as, or larger than the actual UDLs (Default value: 512 kilobytes
– Valid range: 0
to 1500 kilobytes). The 3000/01-0YZ Counter Cards and 3000/01-0YZ Servo Controller Cards
have 512 kilobytes of fixed memory allocated for the UDL files (file extension .UDF).
Output Disable Type (RTP3100S or 3100D only)
This entry, if exists, determines the action taken by a non-safety I/O node if its Chassis Processor
stops receiving valid output messages from the processor card. Valid entries are 0 and 1. If set to
0, the Chassis Processor will disable all I/O card outputs (zero / OFF / de-energize). If set to 1, it
will use the “default” parameter of the programmed I/O card output channel. The default value is 0.
Host activity max
This entry sets the threshold in recognizing a flood condition on the host network. The default
setting is 300 interrupts per scan cycle and is based on 25 ms scan cycle setting. This parameter
is scaled automatically with the scan cycle setting, for example: If the scan cycle is at 10
milliseconds, then this parameter is scaled internally to 240 and if the scan cycle setting is 5
milliseconds, then this parameter is scaled to 180 internally. Setting this parameter to a large
number (e.g. 1000), disables checking of flood on the host network.
Tcp min rt timeout
This parameter specifies the TCP/IP reply timeout period. Do not modify and leave this parameter
to its default configuration: 300 milliseconds.
Dsvc max points
The maximum number of points that can be serviced to host applications (excluding NetArrays).
Default value is 10000. This parameter should not be modified.
Id_a, id_b, id_c, id_d
These parameters designate, which processor will be designated as A, B, C or D processor.
These parameters are automatically programmed by the firmware. Modification of these
parameters is not required.
Modify this parameter based on the type of system.
For non-redundant systems (RTP3000S), this parameter should to be set to 0 (zero).
For redundant systems (RTP3000D, RTP3000T, RTP3000Q) this parameter should be set to 1