Check the level at each panel joint, steps, swim out and at each of the corners. Level the pool
walls with the transit or water level using shims under the pool wall as necessary. (¼''
amazonite, ½” 'to 1" treated wood cut in 4" X 6" squares, or 2" patio b
locks or bricks will all
work well for shims). This procedure is very important and plenty of time should be devoted to
ensure a perfectly level pool. Following the leveling procedure, straighten the pool walls using
the adjusting rods of the A-bracing system. For non-adjusting X-braces, plumb the panels while
pouring the footing later. To achieve a straight sight line and plumb walls, stretch an alignment
string along the top of the pool walls from corner to corner, on each straight section of wall.
If using main drains, it is easiest to assemble the drains together
prior to placing them in the floor of your pool. Using only the main
drain bodies (leaving off the gaskets, trim rings and drain covers)
connect the two main drains using 1
½ “
or 2" SCH 40 PVC with a T-
coupling in the middle of two pieces of pipe 18"-36" long each. Use
the side connection holes to connect the pieces. Placing the drains
upside down on a flat surface will help to make sure they are
mounted and connected evenly and won't rotate when you install
them in the pool floor. Using the provided threaded plugs, glue them
into the threaded holes located in the bottom of the drains with PVC glue.
Installation of the Main Drains are optional. If installed it must be done
pouring the
concrete footings. Two main drains must be used as shown below for safety or no main
drain can be installed. If not using main drains we suggest using two skimmers instead.
The two main
drains must be at
least 3' apart, but
no more than 6'
Remeasure diagonals, and/or steel check to ensure that your measurements have not
changed prior to pouring the concrete footer. If measurements have changed something is
amiss and will need to be adjusted.