Pre-Installation of the Skimmer, Return Inlet Fitting, Underwater Light, & Rope Anchors_____32
Installation of Automatic Skimmer
Preparation of Return Inlet Fitting
Installation of Underwater Light
Installation of Rope Anchors
Plumbing ____________________________________________________________________35
Equipment Pad
Testing for Plumbing Leaks
Bottom Preparation___________________________________________________________ 37
Resetting Pool Floor Dimensions
Install Foam Wall
Layout of Finished Dimensions
Checking the Final Grade
Possible Pool Bottom Materials
Mixing Procedure for Vermiculite/Portland Base
Mixing Procedure for Pre-Mix Base
Bottom Finishing Procedure
Troweling the Bottom__________________________________________________________43
Installation of the Liner _______________________________________________________ _44
Vacuuming Liner into Place
Adding Water and Final Installations______________________________________________ 48
Filling the Pool with a Garden Hose
Filling the Pool with a Fire Hydrant or Tanker Truck
Step Faceplates
Installation of Light Niche Faceplate
Installation of the Return Inlet Fitting and Skimmer Faceplate
Backfilling the Pool____________________________________________________________ 50