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Since 1986
Red Dragon
3 Mini Speedy Mini Red Dragon
Please observe the water separation line. The transition of
wet water foam into dry foam takes place at the also called
water/air separation line. If possible, the water level should
not exceed the maximum water separation line which is
usually at the end of the riser. This maximum line ensures
dry skimming.
However, this line can be exceeded, if required. Our rec
ommendation is a guideline and not a requirement. It is
at the discretion of the user whether he prefers dry or wet
However, the user should take into consideration that the
Bubble King
Double Cone skimmer may become very
sensitive if the separation layer is too high. This can result
in overflowing if impurities like fat – rich feed, various trace
elements or fresh filter media come into contact with water.
On the photo above you can see the water level stripline
approx. 5 cm below the maximum level. This water level
stripline can be lowered or rised by turning the tube. The
water level stripline is different in every aquarium, depend
ing on quality and surface tension of the salt water.
The left photo above shows the ideal condition – not too
dry and not too wet. To maintain this condition it is vital to
operate the device with open outlet in the first few days.
Photo below right: Mount plug only after “running in”.
After the skimmer was forming enough dry foam it is rec-
ommended to grease the upper end of the riser tube as
well as the inner foam ring. This will prevent the foam cup
to be filled with solid dry foam, because the bubbles will
burst immediately when touching the grease.
This will force adsorbate into the cup and no dry foam,
which might leave the cup through the ventilation holes
and fall back into the filter sump.
All Bubble King
skimmers have a so called “absorbate
drain”. On the bottom of the pot (skimmer head) is a 10mm
hole located, which was sealed by a silicone plug. This is
the hand-over location. The customer may install an ad-
ditional attachment (p. ex. a small ball tap) to drain the
absorbate, which makes cleaning easy.
Please do not wait too long until cleaning
an over-filled pot.
Note: For the Bubble King
Double Cone can be used two
different skimmer pumps.
Current water
Please keep the skimmer running until the absorbate pot
(skimmer head) has been filled by a foamy liquid.