For more information, see on the net at
. Simply enter the part number or name into
the search box or email to:
All information without guarantee. We try our best, but printing errors reserved.
Vorgebirgsstr. 28 // 50389 Wesseling // Germany
Fon +49(0)2236/88055-0 // Fax +49(0)2236/88055-20
[email protected] // www.royal-exclusiv.de
Since 1986
Claims against us become time-barred within a year
after the initial delivery of the goods to the customer. The
same applies to claims for damages regardless of their ju
ridical cause. The limitation period does not apply to claims
based upon the malicious concealment of damages from
the injury of life, health or body and for other damages that
result out of intention or wanton negligence.
If it becomes apparent during our examination of da-
mages reported by the customer or in the course of our
removal of defects, that the reported damages or claims
were made wantonly negligent or unwarranted, we may
charge an adequate consideration for our examination and
for the removal of defects. The customer has the right to
neglect a necessary repairing and to demand the return of
the skimmer. In general every examination of damages is
bound to lump-sum compensation if it occurs that the cus-
tomer has to be accounted for the damages.
10.8. Spare parts
Our liability to deliver and hold spare parts available is li-
mited to the period of 5 years after initial shipment of the
product. Our respective list prices apply for spare parts.
10.9. Disposal
We offer our customers to take back products that fall under
the restriction of hazardous substances directive (ElektroG)
within Germany free of charge, for products, which were
brought into circulation after the 13th of August 2005. We
will take care for the disposal. If a customer chooses not to
let us take care for the disposal, he takes the responsibility
of a disposal according to legal regulations and discharges
us from our liabilities according to §10 sect. 2 ElektroG and
any associated liabilities of others.
Subject to alterations
The manufacture has the right for changes in hardware and
software of the product at any time without preliminary noti-
ce, as long as these changes advance reliability or quality
of the skimmer. No claims can be made if for instance de-
sign, functionality or performance of the skimmer changes
elementary. The assured specification of the skimmer is
always guaranteed.
11. Manufacturer’s declaration
Titles against
Royal Exclusiv
concerning the
products described in this manual adress on the
Royal Exclusiv
guarantee clauses.
Specification may vary due technical improvements.
11.1. Manufacturer
Royal Exclusiv
pumps and skimmers
Vorgebirgsstr. 28 // 50389 Wesseling // Germany
Fon +49(0)2236/88055-0 // Fax +49(0)2236/88055-20
[email protected] // www.royal-exclusiv.de
Made in Germany
EAR-number: WEE.Reg.No. 83082352
11.2. Informations and support
Thank your for purchasing a
Royal Exclusiv
protein skimmer. This protein skimmer is a high qua-
lity product made in Germany with the highest manufac
turing demands on modern CNC maschines. This manual
is supposed to help you to setup the protein skimmer for
use and to advice you with the necessarily maintenance
To ensure longlasting satisfaction with this product we
please you to read this manual carefully and follow our
Royal Exclusiv
guarantees 5 years of spare part avai-
lability for the Bubble King
Double Cone protein skimmer.
Should the device in some way not meet the high demands
you expect from
Royal Exclusiv
please contact the
dealer where you purchases your Bubble King
Cone protein skimmer. This is usually the best way for pro-
duct support. However you may feel free to contact our
support on our website: