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Since 1986
5. Skimmer pot and general information
The outlet piping is rotatable. Prior to unscrewing the pot,
align the angle with the respective rotation direction and
unscrew pot.
Regular lubrication with silicon grease enables easy rota-
tion of the thread. The foam tube can be removed. After
cleaning, lubricate or wet the O-ring. Push it against the
notch and press down with a gentle rotation.
The red silicon O-ring is permanently sea-water and wear
6. Setup instructions, adjustable nozzle (MRD)
Setup instructions RD3 via controller
The water intake screw-on nozzle is designed to control
the amount of water pumped into the mixing chamber.
Turning the nozzle
will increase the
water pumping capacity and
screwing it clockwise
reduce the throughput (about 500 litres per turn).
results follow these steps: screw on the nozzle
fully, make a complete turn counter-clockwise. If air bub
bles rapidly leave the output tube, the pumping power is
too high. Please screw on the nozzle until no air bubbles
exit the T-piece. If the skimmer is new, screw out the noz
zle almost completely and run it in for 1-2 days. Brand-new
skimmers may produce bubbles, cause overflow and be
subject to extreme fluctuations. The bearingsof the pump
also need approximately one week to grind in. Before first
use, open the wedge-shaped tube fully.
7. Cleaning the nozzle and suction pipes
The suction pipe with 10 mm for air induction (red) and
6 mm for ozone (grey) needs regular decalcification and
cleaning as, depending on the degree of lime content in
the water, a plug may form, which can impair the overall
the performance of the pump and deteriorate skimming
Please inspect and decalcify the nozzle regulary !! Remove
major cloggig using a pointed tool before decalcification.
Nozzle screwed
off completely
Nozzle closed
Ideal condition 1 x
turn counter-clock-
with air- and ozon- plug