Roth CM Manifold System
Installation Instructions
Roth Industries, Inc. 315-755-1011 e-mail - info@roth-usa.com www.roth-america.com
Product Description
The Roth CM Manifold System is comprised of modular large bore manifolds constructed from
glass-fibre reinforced polyamide.
Each manifold system includes:
Supply and return ball valves - 1 1/2” FPT
Manifold basic kit including:
Manifold cross pieces
Temperature gauges
• Drain/fill valves
Mounting brackets
• Supply manifold segments (1-6) with adjustable flowmeters
Return manifold segments (1-6) with manual valves and operators
Larger manifolds are created by combining smaller segments
Expansion mounting kits (where needed)
See chart on page 4
Automatic air vents
Pressure Gauge (Optional)
Manifold system components come packaged in individual boxes and are placed in a master
Please inspect package and contents for damage during shipping.