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Operating manual
Limit switch box type DRZ
Type of protection: flame proof enclosure
1. Description
Limit switch boxes are used to report and control the position of valves, which are operated by pneumatic actuators. With the enclosed
mounting parts, the boxes can be easily and quickly mounted on actuators or valves.
This manual is valid for limit switch boxes type DRZ. These limit-switch-boxes may only be mounted, wired and installed by qualified
personnel. The staff has to be trained in methods of explosion protection and must be well informed about the regulations of equipment
in explosive areas.
2. Explosion protection and labeling
The limit switch boxes type DRZ are appropriate for the intended use in explosive areas.
The housing has the protection class type flame proof enclosure „db“ and dust protection „tb“. The instruction manual of the proximity
sensors or micro switches has to be regarded.
The device must be grounded
You may clean it with a damp cloth only!
Labeling according ATEX
Labeling according IECEx:
II2G Ex db IIC T6…T4 Gb
Ex db IIC T6…T4 Gb
II2D Ex tb IIIC T80°C…T105°C Db
Ex tb IIIC T80°C…T105°C Db
EU-type examination certificate no.:
IECEX certificate no.:
IECEx IBE 20.0034X
The labeling is located on the type plate of the limit-switch-box.
Before start of operation in explosive area make sure that the limit switch box and optionally wired solenoid valves are
certified for the intended Ex-zone!
Electrical data
Electrical characteristics comply with the instruction manual of the mounted sensors or switches.
Maximum values:
Rated voltage:
max. 250 V AC/DC
Rated current:
max. 4 A
Rated cross-section:
max. 4 mm
Temperature range
Max. ambient temperature:
+60°C for the temperature class T6 bzw. max. admissible surface temperature T80°C
+75°C for the temperature class T5 bzw. max. admissible surface temperature r T95°C
+85°C for the temperature class T4 bzw. max. admissible surface temperature T105°C
Min. ambient temperature: -60°C
Depending on the used mounting parts the min. ambient temperature can be higher.
3. Cable entries and blind plugs
Depending on their design the limit switch boxes offer the possibility to mount up to three cable entries or blind plugs.
You may only use cable entries or blind plugs with protection class flame proof enclosure and dust protection with certification for the
required Ex zone. The threads for the cable entries or blind plugs are M20x1,5 or 1/2-14NPT or 3/4-14NPT. Instruction manuals of the
used cable entries and blind plugs have to be regarded.
Make sure that there is a sufficient strain relief for the cables. All cables and wires as well as cable glands must be suitable for usage at
ambient temperature of the limit switch box.
Depending on the assembled parts the limit switch boxes can contain ignition sources acc. EN 60079-14, chapter 10.4.2.
When choosing cables and cable glands / bushes the relevant requirements have to be regarded.
Non-used threads for lead-in of cables and wires have to be locked permanently with appropriate blind plugs, approved according EN
60079-1, 11.9.