HDBH Series Operating Instructions
1. About this Documentation
These instructions contain important information for the safe and appropriate assembly
and commissioning of the product.
Read these instructions all the way through, particularly section 6 “Notes on Safety,”
before working with the product.
For more information see last page for contact information, or visit www.rosscontrols.com.
In addition, observe all applicable local and national regulations on accident
prevention and on environmental protection.
1.1. Warning Notices in these Operating Instructions
In these operating instructions, warning notices precede sections with handling
requirements which incur risks of personal injury or material damage.
Warnings are structured as follows:
Type or source of hazard!
Measures to avert danger
• Warning triangle:
Indicates a risk of fatal or severe injuries.
• Signal word:
Indicates the severity of the danger.
• Type or source of hazard:
States the type of danger or the source of the hazard.
• Consequences:
Describes possible consequences of ignoring the warning.
• Measures to avert danger:
Indicates how to avoid the danger. It is essential that
the measures to avert danger are complied with.
Indicates an imminent and serious danger that will result in severe or
even fatal injury if you fail to avoid it.
Indicates a possible danger that could result in severe or even fatal
injury if you fail to avoid it.
Indicates a danger that may result in minor to moderate injuries if you
fail to avoid it.
Indicates potential property damage that may be incurred by the
product or its surroundings if you fail to avoid it.
2. Product Identification
The valve assembly is marked with Model Number, Revision level, and a serial number which
can be used to identify date of manufacture and location. Please contact ROSS CONTROLS
for further information.
Product label identification & product key identification example, see page 2.
3. Prerequisites for Use of the Product
Make these operating instructions available to the engineer and assembly
technician of the machine/system in which the product will be used.
Keep these operating instructions for the entire product life cycle.
3.1. Qualified Personnel
Assembly, installation, commissioning, maintenance, and decommissioning should
only be carried out by qualified personnel that have the required knowledge of and
experience in dealing with electrical and hydraulic control technology.
All work may be performed only by properly trained and qualified individuals who have
been specifically instructed for the tasks assigned to them. The levels of responsibility
of personnel are to be clearly delineated by the owner/operator. Protective clothing
and gear is to be worn when performing all work. The relevant safety and accident
prevention regulations are to be adhered to. Any special safety requirements specified
in the documentation for the unit/system are to be complied with.
4. Package Contents
Items included:
• Dual Block & Stop Safety Valve System
• Operating instructions
5. Service, Repair, and Maintenance
In case of technical problems or a required repair, please contact your local ROSS
Checks should be conducted once a month to ensure valves are in functioning order.
5.1. Maintenance
- All activities of maintenance must be conducted by competent and qualified staff
- Always depressurize the relevant part of the system before any maintenance operation on
the hydraulic system.
When/if a valve is replaced; a basic functional test should be performed (see 8.1 Test
It is important that all the check-up operations, even if simple, are programmed and
reported on specific maintenance program schedules.
Before the inspection, cleaning should be undertaken if necessary.
- Always ensure cleanliness when working on the HDBH Valve.
- Do not perform maintenance with the equipment functioning!
- Penetrating dirt and liquids will cause faults!
- Safe function of the HDBH valve is not ensured when operated with contaminated fluid.
- Certain solvents and aggressive cleaning agents or detergents may damage the seals
on the HDBH valve and make them age faster.
- Never use solvents or aggressive detergents as these can cause damage to the
hydraulic system and seals!
- The water pressure of a high-pressure cleaner can damage the seals of the HDBH valve.
- Do not use a high-pressure cleaner.
- Pay attention to prevent detergent penetration into the HDBH valve.
- Check that all seals and electrical plug connections are firmly fitted to prevent the
penetration of detergents.
6. Notes on Safety
The product has been manufactured according to the accepted rules of current
technology. There is risk of injury or damage if the following safety instructions and
warnings given in this instruction manual are not observed.
6.1. Intended Use
The HDBH Series Dual Block & Stop Safety Valve System is a safety component
designed and manufactured in accordance with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
The HDBH system is comprised of two single valves which make it a redundant design
for meeting the needs and requirements of safe hydraulic Block & Stop applications.
Typically, these systems are designed to meet Category 4, PL e / SIL 3 applications if
properly implemented into the safety control & monitoring system.
Block and Stop functions are meant to momentarily stop an actuator (linear
or rotary), but not to hold in place for an extended period of time. The HDBH valve is
a spool type valve and normal spool leakage will occur.
Applications where long term
holding is necessary should also incorporate other components such as PO check,
counterbalance, or mechanical locking devices.
The HDBH system is a sandwich-mount device that is designed to be installed directly
between a manifold and a directional valve. In applications where installation on a
manifold is not practical, a mounting kit (ROSS part number - 2790B77) can be used
to facilitate installation of the HDBH valve in-line between a directional valve and
actuator (cylinder). The HDBH system allows or blocks flow between the directional
valve and its associated cylinder (actuator) by opening both ports to allow movement
or by closing both ports to stop movement as needed.
During normal operation the HDBH system is held actuated, allowing the flow of oil
through the HDBH system unit. In a situation where immediate pressure and flow shut-
off is needed, the HDBH system can be turned off to immediately block the flow both
into and out of the cylinder.
The HDBH system is designed to be externally monitored by a safety control &
monitoring system for safe, redundant operation of the valves. Each single valve in
the HDBH system is equipped with a PNP inductive position switch. Monitoring both
of these switches on each actuation and de-actuation of the HDBH system provides
a diagnostic coverage of up to 99%. Monitoring of the two inductive position switches
must be done by an external monitoring system.
The unit cannot be used by itself. It is designed for installation in a machine. ROSS
and its suppliers will assume no liability in the event that the system or parts thereof
are not used in accordance with their designated use or if modifications are made in
a non-authorized manner.
Any drawings, hydraulic or electric circuit diagrams, parts lists and acceptance
certificates (inspection reports) supplied do not form a part of these operating
instructions. They are supplied for the purpose of illustrating the unit or procuring parts.
6.1.1. Safety Function According to ISO 13849 and EN 692
The Machinery Directive has a dual objective: to permit the free movement of
machinery within the internal market while ensuring a high level of protection of health
and safety. A hydraulic valve system designed and specified as being capable of
performing a safety function as well as normal production use is a “safety component”
where other parts of the definition are met. However, a similar valve where the
manufacturer markets it only for normal production use would not be considered a
safety component.
The HDBH Dual Block & Stop system is designed in accordance with the requirements
listed in ISO 13849-1 and -2. Their “fail-to-safe” safety function is ensured even in case
of a fault within the valve (e.g., caused by power loss, wear, contamination, or similar