G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A L S C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 2 Basic Setup
2.2 Configuration Setup
Setting up Ethernet Connectivity on a Windows Client
For you to administer Aurora LS, setup remote maintenance, or proceed with SAN usage you
need to be able to see the Aurora LS with a standard internet browser over ethernet from your
client. The process below will allow the client to talk to the Aurora LS over ethernet on a
Windows Client. Contact your Network Administrator for support.
Proceed to the TCP/IP settings area of your particular client station, ie Windows control panel
network settings and select properties. Select the TCP/IP listing and clik properties:
Clik the button to ‘Use the following IP address: