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Rev July 2016
5.2 Assembling the End-Effector and Mast.
Tool: 1 piece-Allen wrench size 5 mm, 1 piece regular wrench size 13 mm
Screw: The bolt holding the mast: each bolt and nut is on the frame, the platform screw (2 pieces) 3/8”x 3 ½”
Modules: 1 piece mast (7), 1 piece. End-Effector (8)
Remove the 3 screws (9) that are on the lower intermediate section and loosen the 4 nuts (10) on both
sides of the intermediate section.
Make sure the yellow plastic coupling on the motor is still in place on the gear reducer.
Rotate the mast so the coupling is pointing down. Move the mast slide all the way to its bottom position.
Note: The slide can travel down at a high rate of speed should it be on the opposite end when rotating the
mast for placement! The slide should be in the lowest position when mounting the mast.
Insert the mast over the guide rails on the upper intermediate section and push the mast down in order for
the fastening plate to cover the lower intermediate section. Make sure the coupling on the lift mast and
motor are properly mated together or the lower bolts cannot be installed.
Fasten the first 3 bolts (9); this will automatically center the mast. Next, tighten the 4 bolts. (10) on the
guide rails in the upper intermediate section.
The end-effector can now be mounted with its 2 bolts (11).