12.1 Ronan Leak Testing Service
The NRC requires that all sealed sources be tested
for leakage at specified intervals. Only Kr-85,
tritium and certain sources of very small activity (10
CFR 30.18a) are exempted from leak testing.
Ronan Engineering provides for users’ convenience
and safety the “Leak Testing Service.” The leak
testing procedure detailed in these instructions
applies only to the Ronan Model WK Leak Testing
Kit supplied with the Ronan Leak Testing Service.
The Ronan Model WK Leak Testing Kit is intended
for use on all sealed sources that are not exempt
from testing.
This service may be purchased from Ronan on a
contract basis for five years when wipe testing at
six-month intervals is required or on a one-time
basis in the case of three-year wipe test intervals.
The service must be purchased for each individual
source. If the service is retained, Ronan will send
the required number of leak test kits, consisting of:
a) A cotton swab (“Q-tip”), contained in a small
plastic sealed bag.
b) Special instructions on its use.
c) Leak test forms.
After the sealed sources have been wiped by the
customer, the kit is to be returned to Ronan for
analysis. Ronan will analyze the leak
test materials, issue a report based on the results
and forward a copy of the results to the customer
12.2 Using the Leak Test Kit:
For instructions on using the Leak Test Kit see
section 11.8.4 for well sources or section 11.9.2 for
standard sources.
Return the cotton swab in the sealed plastic bag,
prepaid, via United Parcel Services, Fed Ex, etc.
send via conventional mail, as postal
regulations prohibit mailing of radioactive material
in this form.
Upon receipt of the wipe, Ronan will perform a
sensitive analysis to determine the presence of
radioactive material. If the wipe is contamination-
free, a notice will be sent via mail that the source is
leak-free. If radioactive material exceeding .005
microcuries is detected on the wipe, an emergency
notification will be sent via telegram or telephone,
advising that the source holder must be taken out
of service and sent back for repair. The emergency
notification will contain detailed instructions for
removal and shipment of source holder.
Ronan will maintain records of each leak test
analysis performed. The records will include the
name and address of the customer; the date the
sample was collected; the individual collecting the
sample; the person performing the analysis; the
date the analysis was performed; the unique
identification of the source being tested; the
radioactive material and mass number contained in
the source; and the results of the test expressed in