Trying out the instrument
Getting Started 1419.4576.02 ─ 10
The workflow consists of three main steps, each described in a separate step-by-
step instruction:
Configuring the connection between the R&S WinIQSIM2 and the R&S
Generating a waveform file with the required settings.
Transferring the waveform file and playing it with the R&S
This section does not describe the R&S WinIQSIM2 but focuses only the
task-related settings.
For more information on configuration and working with the R&S WinIQ-
SIM2, refer to description "software manual R&S WinIQSIM2".
You cannot remotely control the instrument via the R&S SGMA-GUI and
R&S WinIQSIM2 from the same controller computer, if the instrument is con-
nected to the computer through USB.
You can connect the R&S
SGT and the computer via LAN and assign differ-
ent SCPI socket port numbers for the remote control through the two soft-
ware applications.
To configure the R&S
SGT as destination instrument in the R&S WinIQSIM2
In this example, we assume that the R&S WinIQSIM2 is installed on a remote
controller. This remote controller is connected over LAN to the R&S
The general instrument settings of the destination instrument affect various func-
tions, like, the maximum size of the file the waveform is stored in. It is recommen-
ded that you configure the destination instrument before you generate the wave-
form with the R&S WinIQSIM2.
1. In the R&S WinIQSIM2, select "File > New" to preset the software to a defined
2. In the block diagram, select "Vector Sig Gen > Config > Instruments".
The "Configure Instruments" dialog opens. The list of configured instruments
is empty.
3. Select "Configure Instruments > Scan".
How to create and load a waveform file