Preparing for Use
Quick Start Guide 1411.4077.62 ─ 07
The following list shows various USB devices that can be useful:
Memory stick for easy transfer of data to/from a computer (for example firmware
CD-ROM drives for easy installation of firmware applications
Keyboard or mouse to simplify the entry of data, comments, file names, etc.
Power sensors, for example of the NRP Zxy family
Installing USB devices is easy under Linux, because all USB devices are plug&play.
After a device is connected to the USB interface, the operating system automatically
searches for a suitable device driver.
If Linux does not find a suitable driver, it will prompt you to specify a directory that con-
tains the driver software. If the driver software is on a CD, connect a USB CD-ROM
drive to the instrument before proceeding.
When a USB device is subsequently disconnected from the R&S
SMC, the operating
system immediately detects the change in hardware configuration and deactivates the
corresponding driver.
All USB devices can be connected to or disconnected from the instrument during oper-
Connecting a memory stick or CD-ROM drive
If installation of a memory stick or CD-ROM drive is successful, the operating system
informs you that the device is ready to use. The device is made available as a new
drive (
). The name of the drive is manufacturer-dependent.
Connecting a keyboard
The keyboard is detected automatically when it is connected. The default keyboard lay-
out is English – US.
Use the "Setup > Keyboard Settings" dialog to configure the keyboard properties.
Connecting a mouse
The mouse is detected automatically when it is connected.
2.5 Linux Operating System
The instrument uses an embedded Linux operating system. To make sure that the
instrument software works properly, certain rules must be adhered to concerning the
operating system.
Linux Operating System