Preparing for Use
Quick Start Guide 1411.4077.62 ─ 07
Preset the instrument to its factory settings
The instrument can also be forced to load its default factory settings. To access the
corresponding dialog box, press the SETUP key and select the "Factory Preset".
For more information and an overview of the settings affected by the factory preset
function, see section "Factory Preset" in the Operating Manual.
Overview of the Most Important Preset States
The following list gives an overview of the presets for the most important generator set-
tings. The other presets can be found in the preset tables of the individual menus and
the information accompanying the remote commands.
"RF frequency" = 1 GHz
"RF level" RF output switched off
"Offsets" = 0
"Modulations State" = Off
Uninterrupted level settings are switched off
"Level Attenuator Mode" = AUTO
Internal level control "Level ALC" = AUTO
User correction "Level Ucor" = OFF
"LF output State" = Off
"Sweep State" = Off
Settings that are not affected by the PRESET key
Reference frequency settings ("Ref Oscillator" menu)
Power on settings ("Level/EMF" menu)
Network settings ("Setup" menu)
GPIB address ("Setup" menu)
*IDN? Identification and emulation ("Setup" menu)
Password and settings protected by passwords ("Setup" menu)
Start/Stop Display Update ("Setup" menu)
Display and keyboard settings ("Setup" menu)
User-defined instrument states can be stored and called up in the "File" dialog.
2.3.6 Shutting Down the Instrument
To shut down the R&S
SMC, proceed as described below.
Putting into Operation