CPR32-SE v2.0 EN Rev.B.doc
This document contents minimum information required for electrical connections, installation and
initial tests of CPR32-SE access network controller.
CPR32-SE is a module which can be used in RACS systems equipped either with PRxx1 or PRxx2
series controllers. The structure which consist of CPR32-SE, communication interface and up to 32
access controllers is called Access Network.
Generally, CPR32-SE works as centralized event buffer (250.000 events) and centralized clock for
the entire access network. Also, it controls exchange of data between access controllers located
within single access network which is necessary for so called “global functions” (e.g. APB Zones,
Alarm Zones).
Operation with PRxx1 controllers
Because PRxx1 controllers are not equipped with internal buffer and clock, CPR32-SE is an
obligatory component for these systems. In case of CPR32-SE failure PRxx1 controllers continue to
work with all time settings as they were in time of failure however all events which occurred during
period of failure will be lost. Once the CPR operation is restored controllers will refresh their time
settings and will restore full functionality.
Note: Theoretically PRxx1 controllers can be used without CPR32-SE, however in this case access
system will not provide neither event history nor clock/calendar related functions. Also, it would not
be possible to divide system users into different access groups and assign them multi-period time
dependant access rights. As a result in PRxx1 based access systems which are not equipped with
CPR32-SE, all users may have access rights according to two access schedules: Always or Never.
Setting schedule Always makes specific Group of user will have 24h access while selecting Never
schedule will totally forbid access authorisation for specific Group of users .
Operation with PRxx2 controllers
In systems equipped with PRxx2 controllers, internal buffer and clock on CPR32-SE replaces local
buffers and clocks on controllers. In case of CPR32-SE failure controllers switch automatically to
standalone operation and continue work using internal buffers and clocks. Events stored during time
of failure can be later downloaded to the RACS system database. The only one effect of CPR32-SE
failure will be lack of global type functions in the given system.