The amount of audio level. If the volume increases, the audio level will increase, which results
in a louder sound.
Abbreviation of volume units.
A VU meter is often included in audio equipment to display a signal
level. It is intentionally a "slow" measurement, averaging out peaks and troughs of short duration to
reflect the perceived loudness of the material.
A wave is a mode of energy transfer from one place to another, often with little or no permanent
displacement of the particles of the medium. Mechanical waves require a medium to transverse the
distance, electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum.
Wet signal:
Opposite of “Dry signal”. This is the signal inclusive added deformation, effects, tone-
manipulation, etc.
This is a connector invented by Cannon. Originally the "Cannon X" series, subsequent versions
added a Latch ("Cannon XL") and then a Rubber compound surrounding the contacts, which led to the
abbreviation XLR. The most common is the 3-pin XLR3, used almost universally as a symmetrical
audio connector for high quality microphones and connections between equipment.