Also the alarm/music mute indicator LED (28) at the frontpanel will light up to indicate the music
is muted remote controlled.
Controlling the volume remote controlled with a potentiometer.
Use a potentiometer with total resistance between 1kilo-ohms and 100kilo-ohms. Connect the
potentiometer between connections “GND” and “+5V”, connect the wiper to the connection
“POS” (please follow the schematic diagram above). Place also a small wire between the
connections “GND” and “NEG”. When the wiper of the potentiometer is turned completely to
the “+5V” side (fully counter clockwise), the music will be completely muted, when the wiper is
turned to the “GND” side (fully clockwise), the music will play normally. The alarm/music mute
indicator LED (28) at the frontpanel will indicate the amount of music-surpression. When the
music is totally muted the LED will light up completely. When the music is not muted the LED is
turned off.
Variable 5V voltage source:
Controlling the volume with a 0V to 5V voltage source remote controlled.
Connect the 0Volts to 5Volts variable voltage source to connections “NEG” and “POS”. Connect
the positive wire to the connection “POS” (please follow the schematic diagram above). When
the voltage source is 0V, the music will play normally. When the voltage source it’s output
voltage rises to 5V, the music will be muted. The alarm/music mute indicator LED (28) at the
frontpanel will indicate the amount of music-surpression. When the music is totally muted the
LED will light up completely. When the music is not muted the LED is turned off.